
WA State Parks Puget Sound Initiative | Interpretive + Education Plan

WA State Parks Puget Sound Initiative | Interpretive + Education Plan

client: Washington State Parks 
location: Seattle, WA | size: 26 state parks opened: 2007


LCS developed an interpretive and education plan for the Washington State parks that border Puget Sound. The intent was to describe the work that the Parks Commission had been doing to improve storm water and wastewater systems through the Governor’s Puget Sound Initiative project. The LCS plan suggests a baseline approach at all parks to include signage, programs, and other techniques, with special projects such as sculpture, playgrounds, guided trails, rain garden amphitheaters, and other ambitious projects at particular locations. All methods are site and context-specific and are intended to maximize a connection to help the public understand the programs and what they can personally do in their communities to improve water conditions throughout the state.