
Skagit Power

Master Design Standards for Interpretive Signage at Newhalem

client: Seattle City Light
location: Newhalem, WA | size: city limits | completed: 2013


Skagit River Hydroelectric Power Project is a place of social, technological, and economic importance in the on-going history of the city of Seattle and the Pacific Northwest. As Seattle City Light’s dams and electrical distribution along the Skagit River evolved, and as the transportation routes through the region developed, many people have visited the town of Newhalem, a place that is a pivotal and central part of City Light’s history. Over time, interpretive signs have been placed in and around the town and powerhouse, but these signs proliferated until they varied widely in style, voice, age, and condition. The LCS Master Design Standards for Interpretive Signage (Plan) is meant to give direction to the design of storytelling devices throughout the project, in particular signs at Newhalem. The Plan is intended to work hand-in-hand with architecture and landscape to tell a coherent story to visitors.