Epiphany School | Sundial, Donor Wall, Environmental + Educational Graphics
client: Epiphany School
location: Seattle, WA | opened: 2010-11
The renovation of Epiphany elementary school by Miller Hull Architects meant taking out the stops in regard to green design, and Lehrman Cameron Studio was hired to develop and create ways to convey the ideas behind this good work. Our project resulted in a “meter wall” with meter faces at kid face height, and a “visible building construction window”. The exhibits explain what had been done in the building, point toward the future, and get the kids involved. LCS also designed the school’s donor wall and donor labeling, as well as a sundial with interpretation. The sundial was developed in close collaboration with astrobiologist, gnomonicist, Woody Sullivan, professor of astronomy and adjunct professor of history at the University of Washington.