
Center Beach

“Center Beach” – Seattle Center’s “Artist at Play” Competition

client: Seattle Center
location: Seattle Center, Seattle WA | size: three acres | completion: 2013

Mindy’s proposal of “Center Beach” was a finalist for the “Artists at Play” competition for Seattle Center. (Five finalists were chosen out of 44 submittals.) The challenge was to design a play space for the 3 to 12-year old set on the old Fun Forest theme park site. Mindy presented an idea for a “sunlit” beach with highly physically interactive and inhabitable seaside paraphernalia, including a“beach umbrella” the size of half a football field, and a 18′ diameter “beach ball, both filled with swings, slides, climbers, zip lines, and other playground equipment. There was a toddler play space made of huge “melting ice cream cones”; an “ocean” water wall at day which became a stage at night; and a striped lawn “beach towel” seating area.

Center Beach! Wish you were here!

Mindy’s proposed team included: Berger Partnership, Pacific Studio, Nussbaum Group, MaryLou Iverson, Karen Braitmeyer, Woody Sullivan, and Queena Yi (who generated the computer images for the proposal).